The 100-Day Marathon Training Plan

The 100-Day Marathon Training Plan
Because you need a field-tested and a proven marathon training plan!

I Would Like to Begin Competitive Running

I would love to begin running competitively. I run a couple of times a week now, a mile or 2 each time, and I walk most many other days, (weather condition allowing, I reside in southern Illinois, extremely rainy this time of year). Does anybody have a "strategy" or program I can follow to allow me to enhance stamina and speed so I can contend well. I'm requesting a quite certain schedule (i.e., first week do this, next week do this on nowadays and this on nowadays, and so on). Or perhaps a location where I can discover one? Some even more details that may assist. I am female, 26, 5'5" or 5'6" and 125 pounds. I have a kid (and insufficient $ for a running stroller or fitness center membership, so running outdoors alone is truly my only choice). My spouse is just house on weekends, so weeknights and prior to work is restricted (50 mile commute, too) as I need to discover a sitter. Our town is completely safe to go for night on your own.

Please absolutely nothing unclear like, "simply slowly enhance your distance weekly and consume healthy". I'm searching for as much information as possible.
- Katrina

I suspect you wish to run in roadway races, state 5K approximately? If you have actually been doing some running then you have a beginning. You should become constant in doing your workout. You should go for least 5-6 times weekly if you wish to be competitive. How far have you been running? If you can do 3 miles daily, then do that at a speed sluggish enough so you can speak. Do not attempt to run too quick. Do not enhance your distance for a month. You can enhance it by 25 %. A huge error is to do too much prematurely and be devastated.

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